
Ali Raza Jaffer, Chartered Accountant Mississauga, Greater Toronto Area

Business Advisory Services

How would you like to see the financial impact of ANY business decision, BEFORE you make that decision?​

Well, now you can.

This is one area of rapid growth in our own practice – working with clients to show them how their business could look in 12, 24, 36 or more months’ time.

We have invested in a range of ‘what-if’ analytical tools that can show you the future!

“I’m thinking of changing my price structure… what would happen if I did ‘X’ and ‘Y’?”

“I have the opportunity to buy the building I have rented for the last 12 years. Is it a good idea?”

“I want to change the way I pay my staff and introduce a commission plan – what effect would this have on my bottom line?’

“I am looking for a bank loan or line of credit. What is the best way to structure my finances before I approach the bank?”

These are just a few of the type of questions we get asked by our clients on a regular basis.

What about the power of one? How different would your business look next year with a one percent change here or there? What if you collected your receivables just one day quicker next year? These are the types of scenarios we can create a financial model for and show you the answers!